Silver Merchant's Seal Ring With Shield And Letters, 15th Century

A medieval silver merchant's seal ring with a flat sectioned round hoop that enlarges on the shoulders to form a hexagonal bezel. The seal on the bezel depicts a shield with an armoured arm holding a sword, a popular heraldic device in Eastern Europe. The shield is surrounded by a frame made with a row of dots and surmounted with the initials N.M.

Size: 12

Weight: 12.5g

Price: € 2.800
Please note: Our price is fully inclusive of shipping, importation taxes & duties

Silver Merchant's Seal Ring With Shield And Letters, 15th Century
  • Silver Merchant's Seal Ring With Shield And Letters, 15th Century
  • Silver Merchant's Seal Ring With Shield And Letters, 15th Century
  • Silver Merchant's Seal Ring With Shield And Letters, 15th Century
  • Silver Merchant's Seal Ring With Shield And Letters, 15th Century

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